Expositions - Exposition Passée - 03/08/2023
(English below)
La galerie lilia ben salah présente Car la figure de ce monde passe, une exposition personnelle de l’artiste franco-tunisienne Farah Khelil, sous le commissariat d'Andréanne Béguin du 28 septembre au 2 décembre 2023.
Pensée comme un écho, entre la démonstration de l’image et son élaboration, l’exposition dévoile des œuvres inédites et accompagne la pratique de l’artiste dans sa continuité conceptuelle par des expérimentations formelles et plastiques.
Farah Khelil nous plonge ainsi dans le processus de fabrication d’une image, intime et culturelle, mentale et picturale. On entre dans celle-ci par le paysage, que l’artiste par la peinture, déconstruit, distille, recouvre, oblitère pour mieux le libérer.
For the Fashion of this World Passeth Away
A monographic exhibition by Farah Khelil, For the Fashion of this World Passeth Away showcases the culmination of twenty years of research and practice at the intersection of philosophy, art history, painting, archives, and postcolonial thought, distilled into newly produced forms. Conceived as an exhibition-manifesto, it unfolds through a variety of forms that are deliberately challenging to categorize and separate, reflecting, through diverse media, the same theoretical foundation that encapsulates and articulates the artist's interests and intentions.
The works on display, influenced by multiple sources, creative processes, and experimental approaches, reveal the endless oscillation that defines Farah Khelil’s artistic practice: constantly shifting between the conceptual and the tangible, between official history and personal narratives, between transcendence and immanence, and between tradition and modernity.
The exhibition is imagined as a postcard into which visitors are invited to step, uncovering the process of image-making. For the two gallery spaces, the artist symbolically presents a daytime version, bathed in sunlight, and a nighttime version, set in a dark room.